Friday 9 July 2010

2nd time lucky

I set up a blog in the summer to help publicise my (what should by now be a global ;) T shirt business. Not sure what my priorities were in those endless days of sunshine but they didn't include blogging!

I quite like putting my thoughts into words but making those words comprehensible to others is a very different affair.

This time round there's a new focus... I have MS and apart from once or twice over the last 15 or so years I was able to not think about it (or more truthfully; I chose to stare into my navel and worry about what might be going to happen).
Time marches on and in the scheme of things i've been doing pretty well.
At the beginning of 2009 I decided that the pipe-dream of making my way around The States with a camera wasn't likely to be anything more than that unless i at least bought a ticket.
In my 20s I'd pictured myself driving peoples' cars (grammar/punctuation is bound to be wrong please don't get all lynne truss on me) from state to state. 15 years later i decided to modify my dream. Last March I chose the month of october for my 'life-affirming' road trip (think Thelma & Louise but just me... on a train).
I had a wedding to photograph in the UK in September and i figured/hoped there'd be fewer extremes of temperature in October (nyc at the beginning of the month and SF at the end).
It was great - i have 40Gb of unprocessed images to prove it.
I had my first chat with a travel agent at the beginning of last year and went in to check a couple of things before setting off - the presence of a walking stick when there hadn't been one before saw the agent encourage me to get travel insurance (with honesty in her eyes) An uncommon sight in someone who has the word 'agent' in their job title?
I had my 'emergency' appointment with a neuro last week (my gp arranged one a couple of weeks after getting back to the UK in November).
The blogosphere is apparently the place for ranting... Let the wild ranting begin!
I trust this bound-to-be oh-so-sporadic-journal can take its place in the hundreds of other ms-related blogs out there.

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